09 · 30 · 09 The Fifth International Congress on Film Theory and Analysis is inaugurated Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Administrador Ramey welcomed the participants saying, “The festival has always tried to be a platform for academic discussion about film but in recent years we have attempted to raise it to another level and the Congress represents a step forward. We are very pleased to have you all here.” Ramey expressed his appreciation to the Mexican Institute of Cinematographic and Humanistic Investigations (IMICH) for the dinner they are offering the members of the Congress following the opening ceremony of the Institute. “They have been very generous and we are very proud of them because we have seen them grow,” he said. “They are the first school to offer a Bachelor’s degree in film in Mexico.” Cuauhtemoc Cárdenas Batel, who inaugurated the Congress, said, “I hope you enjoy your stay in Morelia. For the festival it’s important the activities begin to complement one another. Your presence here makes us feel very proud. We believe that the discussion about film analysis generates debate, debate generates movement, and movement generates progress. It is great this is occurring here and hopefully it will be repeated. It’s very exciting to see different institutions and people unite their efforts around cinematographic activity in its different forms. More than declare the Congress inaugurated I want to celebrate this beginning. We are here to help you in whatever you might need.”