10 · 25 · 13 Estreno Internacional de Mon âme par toi guérie Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Mon âme par toi guérie (My Soul Healed by You) by François Dupeyron recently premiered at the San Sebastián International Film Festival and was presented for the first time in Mexico at the 11th FICM. At the screening, Daniela Michel, general director of FICM, said, “It is an honor for us to welcome François Dupeyron. François was a guest who served as a juror several years ago at the festival and is a wonderful friend. We believe it is a great honor that a film that premiered in San Sebastián is now in Morelia, along with a master of French cinema.” Dupeyron took the floor and said, “I don’t know how to present a film. I’ve never known how. When I finished my film, I realized that it was a new beginning, and that it is our destiny to always start anew. I thank you very much and I hope you enjoy it.” After the screening, during the question-and-answer session, the director said that the spiritual attributes of the people from the south of France were essential in providing a clear and emotional vision to the film. It is France, the Mediterranean Sea and the flavor of Europe that stand out, he said. After several questions, the director ended by saying that anger, rage and poetry are the characteristics that distinguish his film.