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Elisa Miller Presents Ver llover at Cinepolis Universidad VIP 04.08.07

[imagen]A special premiere showing of Elisa Miller’s Ver llover (Palm D’Or, Cannes 2007 / Best Short Film, FICM 2006) in Cinépolis VIP was presented by Alejandro Ramírez, General Director of Cinépolis and President of the Morelia International Film Festival; Marina Stavenhagen, General Director of the Mexican Film Institute (IMCINE); and Ángeles Castro, director of the CCC film school.

"It’s an honor to be here tonight to present Elisa’s film and to celebrate its massive international success. I saw Ver llover in Morelia for the first time, where it won Best Short Film, and was overjoyed to learn it had been selected for Cannes, where it won the festival’s most prestigious award. I’m very happy to see this film again,” stated Alejandro Ramirez.

Ángeles Castro, the short film’s producer, thanked Cinepolis for their generosity and Miller’s classmates for their support: “I want to thank Alejandro for hosting this event in this great place. I’d also like to thank all the people who helped Elisa with this project, and congratulate Elisa for doing such a wonderful job and for being a great human being.”

[imagen]Marina Stavengahen pointed out that Carlos Carrera had won the Palme D’or for El Héroe 11 years ago. She also praised Elisa’s enthusiasm: “I had the privilege of being close to Elisa throughout the Cannes Film Festival, and, to be honest, she never stopped smiling and was the most generous and energetic of all. I think she was the only one who saw every single film and was really happy to be there. We’re really proud of her. Congratulations CCC, thank you, Alejandro for your hospitality and for giving us the chance to see Ver llover again.”

Upon arriving to the event, guests were greeted by a shower of soap bubbles and were given a Ver llover raincoat. Elisa Miller thanked the audience: “Everything that has happened has been a surprise, I’m glad everybody is here, I think most of you have already seen it…I hope we can toast the film’s success at the end of the show.”

Due to overwhelming demand, a fourth screening of Ver llover was arranged in the same movie theater. The premiere closed with a reception, which was attended by the likes of Eugenio Caballero, Oscar-winner for Pan’s Labyrinth (Special Screening, FICM IV), in the art direction category, the lead actress Sofía Espinosa, and Jimena Ayala.

Ver Llover will be showing in the United States, Brazil, Holland, Greece, and Korea, as well as the Telluride Festival in Colorado, Celebrate Mexico Now in New York, and other festivals in Sao Paolo, Amsterdam and Athens.