11 · 06 · 12 Meeting of filmmakers in competition Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Short film and documentary filmmakers who presented their films during the first days of the Morelia International Film Festival answered questions by the press and exchanged points of view with producers, academics and the public. Some of the documentary filmmakers who were present include Carlos Rossini and Emiliano Altuna, directors of El alcalde / The Mayor; Adriana Trujillo, director of Skin Destination; Oswaldo Toledano, who directed El pintor de verónicas/ The Veronicas Painter; the short filmmakers Isabel Acevedo, director of Para armar un helicóptero / To Put Together a Helicopter; Odei Zabaleta, the photographer of La madre / The Mother, and Sebastián Quintanilla who directed La habitación / The Room. Also present was cinematographer Henner Hoffman, director of the CCC film school, Daniela Alatorre, producer and programmer of FICM, and Christine Davila, programmer of the Sundance Festival.