10 · 16 · 11 Luis Valdez, a father of the Chicano cultural movement, at FICM 2011 Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Administrador FICM Director Daniela Michel welcomed Valdez, whom she referred to as the great father of Chicano culture, and thanked him for coming to the festival. She also expressed her appreciation to HSBC for supporting the screening and its director. Also present at the special showing were Carlos Pedraza, regional director of HSBC, who emphasized his company's commitment to the promotion of culture with programs like Cinema Without Borders, and to the festival. For her part, Anne Wakefield, specialist in Chicano film, underscored Luis Valdez' participation as an activist, father of the Chicano movement and creator of Teatro Campesino. Finally, Valdez said that the Chicano movement grew out of the efforts of many people, including César Chávez, leader of the United Farmworkers Union. He pointed out that the Chicano community actually started in 1910 with the first generation of migrants who arrived in the United States following the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution.