10 · 07 · 08 Rockefeller Grant winners announced Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez/Translated by Caroline MacKinnon [imagen]Lucila Moctezuma, director of the Media Arts Fellowships Director at the Tribeca Film Institute, and Richard Rohrbach, vice president of programming and acquisitions at LAPTV, announced yesterday the 2008 winners of the Media Arts Fellowships backed by the Rockefeller Foundation and LAPTV. The grant recipients for this year receive US$20,000 and are Tin Dirdamal for the documentary Agua; Yulene Olaizola for the festure film Paraísos de ficción and y Rigoberto Castañeda for the film Alegorías. Adriana Bravo and Andrea Robles also received Honorable Mentions for US$10,000 for the project Absolución simultánea, which blends animation and live action. Dirdamal won the Ariel Award and the Audience Award at the Sundance Festival for his short film De Nadie. Olaizola has received several acknowledgments for the documentary Intimidades de Shakespeare y Víctor Hugo, including the BASFICI in Buenos Aires, and Castañeda received five Ariel Awards for Kilómetro 31. “In Morelia, we have met the third stage of our commitment with Renew Media (now Tribeca Film Institute) demonstrating the growing interest that LAPTV has through its channel Movie City in helping Latin American artistic expression and cinematography. These grants are a launching pad for brilliant talent. Through their work these artists perform a great contribution to movie making, visual arts and multimedia projects in the region,” Rohrbach said. Lucila Moctezuma of the Tribeca Film Institute said “it is always a great pleasure for us to announce who the new grant recipients are, because we know how much this means to them. This year we’re celebrating the new edition of this program that rewards those artists which redefine and expand our notions of independent media arts in the purest sense.”