11 · 06 · 12 Press conference with Yulene Olaizola Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard At a press conference, Olaizola said that she has a clear idea about how to develop her projects. If in Intimidades de Shakespeare y Víctor Hugo (2008) the director captured the attention of specialized critics, it was with Paraísos artificiales (2011) that she matured creatively, allowing her to work in Fogo more naturally and closer to her characters. Yulene Olaizola at the Fogo press conference Olaizola worked together with Diego García (photographer) and Rubén Imaz (producer) in the creative construction of the story. Thanks to the close relationship the director established with Norman Foley, Ron Broders and Joseph Dywer, the inhabitants of Fogo island, she was able to portray the desolation and solitude of these people. The objective was to show a universal problem through everyday life. Olaizola pointed out that the film did not have a defined script; the story developed on its own during the shoot. She also said the film allowed her to return to a simpler type of film production, and although she only had a few weeks to shoot and for production, the director said it was a very satisfying experience. Olaizola said she is not seeking commercial distribution for the film; her projects respond to what she is interested in and wants to explore. In addition to working in Fogo, photographer Diego García collaborated in Táu (2012) by Daniel Castro Zimbrón, which is also in competition. Both films used natural light, taking advantage of the geographical spaces to explore them visually. Producer Rubén Imaz joined the project during the editing process and helped Olaizola structure the project.