11 · 04 · 12 Der Kunstmaler Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard 1. Why did you decide to tell this story? The story was inspired by a half-page text by Fernando (El Mundo Muerto), which he wrote for a class in his school in Freiburg. From there we made the script for the short film, and that's how we decided to tell the story. 2. How did you go about organizing your work team? My cousin Fernando and I made up the team. I did the art and animation, Fernando, the musical score and sound effects. He and I had planned to do something together since we were kids, but in this project in particular Fernando saw an animation that I put up on YouTube, which dealt with a parody of penises called Tras el Cierre. It was about corruption in our country, and it was when I decided to make a short to participate in a festival in Germany (we participated in Lakino, in Berlin) since Fernando is currently finishing his degree in composition in Freiburg. 3. What was the biggest challenge you faced making the film? The distance. It's very difficult to work with someone who is living in another continent. Most of the time we discussed details about the film by "Messenger" which is not a recommendable tool to work with on short films. Often the ideas that we dealt with weren't clear and we would have to return to the theme again the next time we "saw" each other through this means. 4. What kind of films would you like to continue making? I love independent cinema, but I also love cartoons, and for that reason I will continue to do animation in my next projects. 5. What does it mean to you having been selected to participate in the 10th edition of FICM? It's recognition of the work I did, an accomplishment that makes me satisfied knowing that my short film reached a standard that qualified it to participate in international festivals. It is an honor to be part of the Official Selection of the festival this year, which has helped me to recharge my batteries with energy to start new projects.