10 · 26 · 22 Barry Jenkins Unveils his Commemorative Armchair and Presents a Special Screening of MOONLIGHT at the 20th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gustavo R. Gallardo American filmmaker Barry Jenkins unveiled his commemorative armchair at the 20th Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), with the president and the founder and general director of the festival, Alejandro Ramírez and Daniela Michel, in attendance. Barry Jenkins "We are very happy to have you here [...] and we’re giving you this armchair with your name on it so that you can stay with us and use it when you come back," said Alejandro Ramírez, who then gave him a personalized jacket from the organization. After, FICM programmer Chloë Roddick presented Moonlight (2016), the second feature film by the 20th FICM’s special guest, winner of the Oscar and the Golden Globe for Best Film. In Moonlight, Chiron, a young Black man with a difficult childhood and adolescence, grows up in a troubled area of Miami. As the years go by, Chiron grapples with his mother's drug addiction and the violent environment at his school and in his neighborhood. Narrated in three chapters that define his life, he experiences the ecstasy, the pain, and the beauty of falling in love, while dealing with his own sexuality. Daniela Michel, Alejandro Ramírez, Chloë Roddick, Barry Jenkins Barry Jenkins, who also directed If Beale Street Could Talk (2018), said he was pleased to be at FICM: "It's the first time I’ve managed to come, although I’ve always wanted to come." “Cinema, like French, Arabic, English or Spanish, is also a language and it is a language that we all speak. It is a great pleasure for me to be here in Morelia, Michoacán, in Mexico, something that Mexico has also gifted me,” said the director.