10 · 09 · 08 Bajo la sal, a thriller with a lot of passion Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Clara Sánchez/Translated by Tess Wheelwright [imagen]Mario Muñoz, director of the Mexican feature film in competition, Bajo la sal, a story about an enigmatic serial killer who makes it look like half the town is responsible for his misdeeds, held a talk at the end of the premiere of his film. Accompanied by actors Ricardo Polanco, Emilio Guerrero, Moisés Arizmendi and Plutarco Haza, as well as producers Walter Navas and Raymundo Díaz; the director appeared to be very emotional to see the theater so full, to the point that he took out his camera and took a panoramic photo of the audience. Ángel Pulido was asked how he came up with the ideas for the animations that were then made by René del Castillo, the director of Hasta los Huesos. “The character Víctor is the silent type, and this was the only way that I had to make horror movies and revealing his internal courage.” Plutarco Haza, who played the villain in the film, talked about the way that he brought the role to life. “One always judges human beings, but as an actor, you have to learn to justify your character’s motivations. I had to be very cautious in what I showed as the film’s fifteen final minutes reveal the mystery and I didn’t want to ruin this moment.” Muñoz said that the casting process was very difficult, “I wanted the role of Víctor to be played by someone really novel and fresh. The first actor who tried out for the role was Ricardo, 200 other actors also tried out, and in the end we went with him.”