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Arturo Villaseñor is Disappointed with La dama que llora

La dama que llora, set in a sugar factory, combines the Llorona and Malinche legends and puts them in a modern context. Originally shot in color, it was screened in black and white: “I haven’t had contact with the material since I finished shooting last December. These pseudo producers, who do not own the fill because it’s a co-op, practically kidnapped my movie and edited it all wrong, my name doesn’t even appear in the credits. The final climax was cut out, along with the voice-over, and they turned it into a black and white film.”

Villaseñor, whose piece seems more theatrical that cinematic, requested the audience put aside their views on the film: “One cannot comment on a piece of work that has been mutilated. I apologize, and I hope I can edit it soon. A film in this state shouldn’t be screened, the audience doesn’t deserve it.”