10 · 21 · 23 WILDCAT: A Slice of Flannery O'Connor's Life Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Said García Said García Producer Michael Fitzgerald presented Wildcat (dir. Ethan Hawke, 2023) at the 21st edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM). Michael Fitzgerald Wildcat focuses on the life and art of American author Flannery O'Connor. The film centers on a key period in her life, imagining the young writer as she refines her process, committing to her unique and deeply personal fiction at the cost of her own comfort and satisfaction. "The film was made by particular people inspired by a girl growing up in the 21st century who was obsessed with Flannery," said Fitzgerald, referencing Maya Hawke, Ethan Hawke's daughter. Michael Fitzgerald Fitzgerald said that his family had a close relationship with the writer; one day they received news of O'Connor, who was hospitalized. It would be the last time they knew of her. She wasn't afraid to die, and her only complaint was that the food tasted like Kleenex casserole," the producer concluded.