10 · 17 · 11 Shannon Kelly presents Wanda Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Administrador FICM Director Daniela Michel introduced Kelly as a person who has been instrumental in FICM's history, origins and development. "I'm very fortunate to have known him since the year 1998," she said. "He has been a great inspiration, a great teacher for me. Now he's here to present the classic work by Barbara Loden, Wanda, in his new job at UCLA. This is the first time that we've reached an agreement with UCLA to present the gems of world cinema in original copies, restored. " Kelly, who worked as a FICM advisor, said he was not only proud to stand next to Michel, but also to present a program from UCLA each year from this year on. "We have an archive of 400,000 international films," he said. "We are second to the Library of Congress in preserving films... At UCLA we work hard preserving and restoring films. Wanda is an example of what we do." "The film was in danger of disappearing because it was made independently and there were very few copies of it," he added. "It is a very strange film because it is feature-length, written by a woman at a time when that was not common. One of the most difficult tasks in the process was the research we did to find out the original colors of the film. We ended up with a very beautiful copy."