10 · 23 · 19 The restored version of Los olvidados was screened at the 17th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gustavo R. Gallardo The digitally restored version of Los olvidados (1950), by Luis Buñuel, was presented during the 17th Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), by the director of the festival, Daniela Michel. Starring Roberto Cobo, Manuel Inclán and the Michoacán actress Stella Inda, the film addresses how "el Jaibo," leader of a street band, drags the characters towards immorality, crime and death in a poor Mexico of the last mid-century. "It is one of the two films in the history of cinema that are considered as cultural heritage of humanity. It is the maximum treasure that we have in Mexican cinema," said Daniela Michel. Michel distinguished the screening of this film because it is a restored version presented by the Cineteca Nacional, The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project at L’Immagine Ritrovata and the Televisa Foundation: "This copy was presented at the Cannes Festival this year. We commemorate the 80 years of Spanish exile in Mexico and Luis Buñuel for being the most important Spanish refugee we had and one of the most important filmmakers in history."