10 · 24 · 22 Presentan en el 20° FICM LOS REYES DEL MUNDO, ganadora de la Concha de Oro en el Festival de San Sebastián Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gustavo R. Gallardo Colombian filmmaker Laura Mora presented the film Los reyes del mundo (2022), at the 20th edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), with the attendance of festival director Daniela Michel, and producer Mirlanda Torres, and co-producer Regina Solórzano. Los reyes del mundo is a subversive story told through a wild and endearing clan that navigates between reality and delirium. Made up of Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny and Nano, five lawless and orphaned children from the streets of Medellín, who embark on a journey in search of the promised land. Laura Mora thanked FICM and said the film "has a lot of Morelia", because, in 2019, she participated in the Morelia: Sundance Script Laboratory. “I am very excited to present it here, I am very excited about the dialogue that this film can inspire among the Mexican audiences, I think we are going through very similar pains,” said the director. Los reyes del mundo, a co-production of Colombia, Luxembourg, France, Mexico and Norway, premiered last September at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, where "we unexpectedly won the Golden Shell." The director, joined by Mirlanda Torres and Regina Solórzano, added that the screening at FICM is the second in Latin America, after Colombia. For her part, the director of FICM, Daniela Michel, said that it is a great honor to present this film, acknowledging that this is the first Colombian film to win this award. “This has been a very difficult film to make since it was also affected by the pandemic. We finally filmed last year and we are completing the cycle a year later. Presenting it at festivals is wonderful,” added the film director.