B/N | 25:00 There are 40,000 missing people in Mexico. The government has offered virtually no response, and the state itself is directly involved in most cases. To address this situation, over 65 collectives have been created in more than 20 states across the country, consisting primarily of mothers who have had to withstand intimidation, harassment, and extortion as they search for their loved ones. The short film Sin tregua [Relentless] tells the story of some of these mothers and contextualizes the magnitude of this humanitarian tragedy. It also shows us that the only way to defend ourselves from horror is collectivity and solidarity. Direction: Rabasa; Diego Participation year at FICM: 2019
B/N | 25:00 There are 40,000 missing people in Mexico. The government has offered virtually no response, and the state itself is directly involved in most cases. To address this situation, over 65 collectives have been created in more than 20 states across the country, consisting primarily of mothers who have had to withstand intimidation, harassment, and extortion as they search for their loved ones. The short film Sin tregua [Relentless] tells the story of some of these mothers and contextualizes the magnitude of this humanitarian tragedy. It also shows us that the only way to defend ourselves from horror is collectivity and solidarity. Direction: Rabasa; Diego Participation year at FICM: 2019
Banished childhood Every year, thousands of boys and girls are forced to abandon their countries unaccompanied. They flee the violence with nothing more than what fits into their backpack. See More
Adrenaline Adrenaline is a trip to a detention center for underaged in conflict with the law in Saltillo. The stories are told in two planes: a fictional one (written by the boys themselves) and a testimonial one. The narratives are contrasted showing the playful and cruel universes in the lives of the adolescents. Adrenaline seeks a humanized look at the origins of violence in Mexico without shunning individual responsibilities. See More
Yolanda Montes “Tongolele”, diosa de la danza 02 · 18 · 25 David Lynch (1946-2025), Mexico and a Lynchian Anecdote 01 · 23 · 25 MÉXICO, MÉXICO, RA, RA, RA, RA after half a century 01 · 16 · 25 Emilio Echevarría (1944-2025) and the 25th Anniversary of AMORES PERROS 01 · 09 · 25