03 · 24 · 13 The winning projects of Films in Progress 23 Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard The co-production between Chile and France, El verano de los peces voladores by Marcela Said, received two awards. The Films in Progress Toulouse Award, which consists in post-production services offered by partnered companies; and the Special Ciné + in Progress Award, which means that Ciné + TV network guarantees to purchase El verano de los peces voladores for the amount of 15 thousand euros and to broadcast it on its network. The European Distributors and Exhibitors Award went to the co-production between Peru and Colombia, Climas by Enrica Pérez. Europa Distribution will promote the film to its 120 members network, and especially the 40 European distributors that are part of the Europa Distribution International (EDI) project. Also, the Confédération internationale des cinémas d’art et d’ssai (CICAE) will systematically inform their two thousand members about Climas. This will make the distribution companies aware of this film and promote its circulation.