10 · 26 · 22 PAN’S LABYRINTH Screens at the 20th Edition of FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Laura García Two-time Goya Award winner actress Maribel Verdú and production designer and art director Eugenio Caballero, presented the screening for Pan’s Labyrinth (2006, dir. Guillermo del Toro), during the 20th edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM). Oscar Uriel, Maribel Verdú “It was a shoot full of daring, of jumping into the void without a net, because Guillermo did it that way and because that is how he led us to jump without a net. It was a project that not many people believed in, because it touched on very dissimilar topics, such as the Spanish Civil War and fantasy, and suddenly each of the pieces fell in place,” Caballero mentioned. Pan's Labyrinth is a film set in the post-Franco war of 1944; a fantasy that we experience through the eyes of Ofelia, a 13-year-old girl who decides to take refuge in a fantasy world after her mother remarries. Through his film, winner of three Academy Awards, Guillermo del Toro reminds us that the real monsters don’t live in fairy tales, but in real life. “Film directors tend to be the most cultured people I've ever met, but Guillermo del Toro, you can't imagine how much he knows about everything. He is the most cultured man I have ever met. If you ask Guillermo del Toro about the Spanish civil war, he will know much more than any Spaniard,” Maribel said.