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Lillah Halla's LEVANTE was Presented at the 21st FICM
Sean Mattison Presents His Documentary PETRO for the Second Time at the 21st FICM
El sabor de la Navidad
EL SABOR DE LA NAVIDAD by Alejandro Lozano Premiered at the Matamoros Theater
Marian Lacombe
A SEASON WITH ISABELLA ROSELLINI, an Approach to the Actress as Farmer, Was Presented at 21st FICM
Fiebre de sangre
Henry King's THE GUNFIGHTER Presented as Part of the Mexico Imaginario Section at the 21st FICM
Almas en la hoguera
Henry King’S TWELVE O’CLOCK HIGH at the 21st FICM
Conversatorio PNUD
The 21st FICM and the UNDP: A Discussion on the Dynamics of Power in Cinema
Todos los incendios
TODOS LOS INCENDIOS, Directed by Mauricio Calderón Rico, Had Its Press Conference at the 21st FICM