He has given classes at the CCC film school, the ITESM (Tecnológico de Monterrey) and the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, among other institutions in Mexico and around the world. From 2001 to 2004, he was director of the Mexico City Film Commission. When it closed, he continued as director of the film support office, which substituted it, until 2006. His work has been shown at various international film festivals, and his documentaries have won both national and international awards, including an Ariel. He has been a jury member at more than 20 festivals, as well as for IMCINE and Channel 11 competitions. He has participated in several round-table discussions and given conferences in countries throughout the American continent and Europe. He studied film at the The London International Film School (now known as the London Film School), and he has been a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA) since 2011. Currently he directs TVCiudadana (an online TV channel) and ARTES.DOCS, which is a seminar and international showcase of documentaries about art. His filmography as a director includes: Dando la noticia (1998-1999), Vivir en la lucha libre (1998), Adolfo López Mateos: historia de un seductor orador (1997), El pueblo mexicano que camina (1996), Tepú (1995), A cruz y espada (1992), Señor de Otatitlán (1990), Piowachuwe: la vieja que arde (1987), Encuentros de medicina maya (1987), Monólogo a dos voces (Juan de la Cabada) (1983), Me llamo Renato (Renato Leduc) (1983), Mara’Acame: cantador y curandero (1982), Brujos y curanderos (1981) and Withdrawal (1978). He is currently directing and producing the documentary Exilio, with a grant from SNCA.
He has given classes at the CCC film school, the ITESM (Tecnológico de Monterrey) and the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, among other institutions in Mexico and around the world. From 2001 to 2004, he was director of the Mexico City Film Commission. When it closed, he continued as director of the film support office, which substituted it, until 2006. His work has been shown at various international film festivals, and his documentaries have won both national and international awards, including an Ariel. He has been a jury member at more than 20 festivals, as well as for IMCINE and Channel 11 competitions. He has participated in several round-table discussions and given conferences in countries throughout the American continent and Europe. He studied film at the The London International Film School (now known as the London Film School), and he has been a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA) since 2011. Currently he directs TVCiudadana (an online TV channel) and ARTES.DOCS, which is a seminar and international showcase of documentaries about art. His filmography as a director includes: Dando la noticia (1998-1999), Vivir en la lucha libre (1998), Adolfo López Mateos: historia de un seductor orador (1997), El pueblo mexicano que camina (1996), Tepú (1995), A cruz y espada (1992), Señor de Otatitlán (1990), Piowachuwe: la vieja que arde (1987), Encuentros de medicina maya (1987), Monólogo a dos voces (Juan de la Cabada) (1983), Me llamo Renato (Renato Leduc) (1983), Mara’Acame: cantador y curandero (1982), Brujos y curanderos (1981) and Withdrawal (1978). He is currently directing and producing the documentary Exilio, with a grant from SNCA.