A biologist who graduated from the Department of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 19741981, he also pursued a Master in sciences from the same institution (19851987). He has a certificate in the popularization of science (UNAM, 20002001), a program in which he now teaches and where he was responsible for the module on sciencepopularization through audiovisual media, as well as for the documentary screenwriting workshop (2005 2008). Since 1999, he has administered access to the archives at the UNAM Filmoteca (Film Library); he regularly contributes to the curatorship and compilation of retrospective sections at many film festivals, both national and international. He directs the Mira bien section at the popular science magazine ¿Cómo ves?, issued by the UNAM; for this publication, he has written more than a hundred critical reviews on the scientific content of both fiction and documentary films (20022013). He coorganized the eleventh and twelfth sessions of the Festival Nacional de Cine y Video Científico (National Scientific Film and Video Festival), in Aguascalientes (2001) and Mexico City (2003), respectively; he also served twice as a coorganizer of the Muestra Internacional de Audiovisual Científico (International Exhibition of Scientific Audiovisual Media, 2012 and 2013, UNAM). This year, he was a member of the jury for the Concurso de Crítica Cinematográfica (Film Criticism Contest) organized by the Ficunam.
A biologist who graduated from the Department of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 19741981, he also pursued a Master in sciences from the same institution (19851987). He has a certificate in the popularization of science (UNAM, 20002001), a program in which he now teaches and where he was responsible for the module on sciencepopularization through audiovisual media, as well as for the documentary screenwriting workshop (2005 2008). Since 1999, he has administered access to the archives at the UNAM Filmoteca (Film Library); he regularly contributes to the curatorship and compilation of retrospective sections at many film festivals, both national and international. He directs the Mira bien section at the popular science magazine ¿Cómo ves?, issued by the UNAM; for this publication, he has written more than a hundred critical reviews on the scientific content of both fiction and documentary films (20022013). He coorganized the eleventh and twelfth sessions of the Festival Nacional de Cine y Video Científico (National Scientific Film and Video Festival), in Aguascalientes (2001) and Mexico City (2003), respectively; he also served twice as a coorganizer of the Muestra Internacional de Audiovisual Científico (International Exhibition of Scientific Audiovisual Media, 2012 and 2013, UNAM). This year, he was a member of the jury for the Concurso de Crítica Cinematográfica (Film Criticism Contest) organized by the Ficunam.