10 · 25 · 23 Jordi Mollá Perales Intervened Jackson Pollock's "One" at the 21st FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Said García The Morelia City Council and the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM) held an event in which Spanish actor and director Jordi Mollá Perales performed an artistic intervention on the Velvet Terrace at Cinépolis Morelia Centro. Jordi Mollá The event was attended by Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, Municipal President of Morelia; Miguel Mier, VP of Global Programming and Content; Thelma Aquique Arrieta, Secretary of Tourism of Morelia; Dr. Fátima Chávez Alcázar, Secretary of Culture of Morelia; Juan Pablo Arroyo, founder of Solaris; and Giuseppe Ferlito, Italian director and screenwriter. Jordi Mollá "It gives us great pleasure to see students and people from the tourism team because it will be a unique intervention that will happen," said Mier. With a racquet and tennis balls dipped in paint of various colors, Jordi Mollá reinterpreted the work "One" by painter Jackson Pollock. The Spanish artist threw the balls on the print and then invited the audience to participate as well. People started throwing balls and splashing paint on the press and guests. Jordi Mollá Martínez Alcazar thanked Mollá for donating the work, which will remain in the new Administrative City. "It's a hooligan gesture. It's a way of de-virtualizing art, and having fun playing tennis and hitting the ball," Mollá said of the significance of his intervention.