11 · 03 · 05 Interview with Jaime Murguía Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Por Clara Sánchez / Fotos Paulo Vidales / Imagen Latente (Jueves 23 de noviembre del 2005) Jaime Murguía, director of “Teatro Mágico”, winner of the Best Short Film/Documentary competition. By Clara Sánchez. Photos: Paulo Vidales / Imagen Latente )Thursday, November 3rd, 2005) What’s the meaning behind your film?The character, in itself, is the film’s meaning: I wanted to show his every-day life in this imposing city, to offer a portrait of a person, and the way he lives his Magical Theater. How did you chose the character you portrayed in the film?He’s a good friend of mine, I had the good luck of to meeting him, and I think he’s great. I wanted to show other people what he’s like. What’s attractive about the urban setting??I’m not from here, the city is like a magical universe to me, I love to take the subway, I love its complexity, the contrasts, and the intensity of it all. The most beautiful things are not always pretty and nice; the city makes a stunning character. How long did it take you to make the film?Quite a long time, the project began in 2003, I was in my second semester at the university, and I was had to make a documentary film, it was originally an assignment. I kept trying to find a theme for this piece, so I thought of Jonas. It took me about two years to make it, I ran into a great deal of problems with the audio recording, and postproduction took a lot of time. How did audiences in Morelia react to your film?It’s hard to know for sure what the audience is thinking, I think the main character caused a bit of a rouse. Some people completely identify with him; others find him so absurd and ordinary that they don’t see anything significant in the film. For me, it’s precisely those ordinary qualities that have real significance. Which other festivals will your film be at? Next week, it will screen in Puerto Vallarta, and after that it will be at Sundance.