10 · 20 · 19 Special Screenings by El Día Después at the 17th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gabriela Martínez @GabbMartivel | Aranza Flores @Alvayeah In the context of the 17th Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), the civil association El Día Después had two special screenings of the two short films that have been produced until now with this initiative’s support. El Día Después emerged in 2018 in a context of maximum electoral polarization. The purpose was to make a call to reflect upon our participation in democracy and the power to build a more empathic society. This year, El Día Después became a civil association and became a platform for action: a tool that allows citizens to get closer to organizations that have been working on different social issues for decades; a tool that facilitates citizen union and mobilization. El Día Después believes in the power of cinema to inform and raise awareness, and that is why every three months it produces a documentary short that visibilizes and promotes a specific theme. Elena Fortes, Paula Amor Beristain thanked El Día Después for the invitation and for their work as a civil association. Nosotras (2019) focuses on the fact that, in Mexico, nine women are killed daily and, according to official figures, six out of every ten women have suffered violence at some point in their lives. This documentary addresses different levels of violence against women, starting with microviolences which we have normalized. It also tells the testimonies of women survivors of violence and voices of relatives of femicide victims. It was filmed in Mexico City, Chihuahua and Ciudad Juárez, and is part of the “Feminicidios en México” campaign of El Día Después. At the end of the screening the table “Cinema as a social tool” was held with the participation of Paula Amor, general director of La Corriente del Golfo; Natalia Beristain, Arcilia Miranda, criminal law attorney and sister of Berenice Miranda, a femicide victim whose case was portrayed in Nosotras; Ixchel Cisneros, director of El Día Después, and Diego Luna.