10 · 21 · 18 Special screening of The Doll by Ernst Lubitsch at the 16th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Juan Roilan Salgado Z. In the 16th edition of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), Daniela Michel, founder and general director of the festival, presented a special screening of the film The Doll, by Ernst Lubitsch. The Doll, by Ernst Lubitsch, musicalized live by German pianist Deborah Silberer. "It's a controversial film, for a lot of people it's going to give a lot to talk about; very funny and absolutely subversive," said Daniela Michel before the people who had the opportunity to enjoy a live musicalized screening by the German pianist Deborah Silberer. The Doll (1919, dir. Ernst Lubitsch) tells the story of Lancelot, a shy young man who doesn't want to get married but his uncle, the Baron de Chanterelle, wants to perpetuate the lineage and therefore sends for candidates. Lancelot flees to a monastery. When the monks learn of the dowry he will receive, they convince him to have a pretend wedding and marry a life-size doll. The young man chooses one inspired by Ossi, the maker's daughter, but the doll breaks, so Ossi stands in for the doll.