10 · 20 · 14 Press Screening of Yo Soy La Felicidad de Este Mundo Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Yo Soy La Felicidad de Este Mundo / I Am Happiness on Earth (2014) by Julián Hernández, from the Mexican Feature Film Section in competition of the 12th FICM, was presented to the press at the Cinépolis Morelia Centro. Julián Hernández is one of the directors who has participated most in FICM. He has shown his work at the festival more than half dozen times, three of them as part of the Official Selection. Yo Soy La Felicidad de Este Mundo was co-written by Julián Hernández and Ulises Pérez Mancilla – the first time Hernández has shared the authorship of a script. The film is about a director who confuses his work with his own reality. A recurring theme in his films is what he calls human beings’ permanent longing for fulfillment. Another notable feature of his films is the presence of gays. He has received the Teddy Award twice (2003 and 2009). The award is given at the Berlin International Film Festival to the best LGBT film. He also won the award for Best Independent Work at the Ajijic International Film Festival and the Best First Film at the Lima Latin American Film Festival. Actresses Andrea Portal and Diana Lein, actors Hugo Catalán and Alan Ramírez, producer Roberto Fiesco and director Julián Hernández were all present at the press conference. Julían Hernández on reflections regarding the human condition raised in the film: “What the film portrays is the way in which personal experiences are projected and are not limited to a sexual illusion – that human beings have the opportunity and possibilities to relate to one another both physically and emotionally without barriers of any kind.” Julián Hernández on the presence of women in his works: “There have always been women in important roles, it hasn’t been like the characters suddenly cross and encounter a woman out there. They are always women who are determined and strong, that somehow bolster the trajectory of the characters.” Julián Hernández on the awards he has received: “They make you feel good for a while. But after 20 years of making films professionally, they don’t interest me so much. I don’t go to festivals expecting or yearning to win this or that one. Prizes depend on several things. There are many trends all of a sudden, there is a fashionable trend and that doesn’t mean that the films are the best. They stroke the ego and self-esteem, but that goes away very fast, especially now that there are so many awards. I joke around on the social networks and say, at this moment a film is winning an award at a festival somewhere in the world, which is true.” Hugo Catalán on the sex scenes: “It’s the first time that I’ve done this kind of scene under the direction of Julián. It is complicated, but like all scenes with Julián, they are rigorous, but it is just as difficult to do a sex scene as another one.” The premiere of Yo soy la felicidad de este mundo was held at a gala on Monday, October 20, at 6:15 pm at the Cinépolis Morelia Centro, with a red carpet and the presence of talent. Coverage by Gabriel Andrade Espinosa (@gabolonio)