10 · 25 · 23 "A fairy-tale-like Afghanistan": James Ivory Presents A COOLER CLIMATE at the 21st FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Said García The celebrated and multi-award-winning director James Ivory presented his documentary A Cooler Climate (2022) at the 21st Morelia International Film Festival (FICM). This documentary is a compilation of images that a young Ivory filmed on a trip to Afghanistan in the 1960s. The trip soon becomes an introspective and revealing reverie that changes the director's life. Daniela Michel, founder and general director of FICM, and Alejandro Ramírez, president of the festival, were present at the screening. James Ivory Ramirez recalled the first time Ivory came to FICM and told him about the project he was working on, expressing his desire to return to Morelia to present it once it was finished. "The film shows a fairytale-like Afghanistan, which is not like the images we sometimes have," said the director. "I felt a kind of guilt for shooting all this material and keeping it. I was making a lot of films and it was taking my whole life, and there was that guilt there that I had let down the Asian society that had given me the money to make the film. It gave me guilt but not too much guilt," he added. Ivory ended by admitting that he didn't think this was the most effective medium to tell personal stories, as he has never tried to hide any aspect of his life through any medium.