11 · 03 · 05 FICM Winners at the Cineteca Nacional Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Por Clara Sánchez / Fotos Paulo Vidales / Imagen Latente (Jueves 3 de noviembre del 2005) By Clara Sánchez. (Thursday, November 3rd, 2005)Magdalena Acosta, Director of the Cineteca Nacional; Daniela Michel, Director of the FICM; and Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Batel, Honorary Vice-president of the same, inaugurated the program The Morelia Film Festival’s Best at the Cineteca Nacional, which will screen the award winning documentaries and short films from the Festival. The presentation of over 180 films in Morelia; the inauguration of a new venue, the Teatro Emperador Caltzotzin; and the attendance of representatives from the Telluride, Sundance, Rotterdam, and Huesca film festivals, is proof that the FICM continues to grow more and more every year, Cardenas remarked. “We are proud to provide a space for Morelia’s growing film industry, and to contribute by promoting these films within the state and in places like Cannes, or Ambulate.” Daniela Michel thanked the Cineteca Nacional for its support, adding that it has been a “generous host since 1994”, year in which the Short Films from Mexico Program began. “The Festival’s aim is to create a space for young and talented Mexican filmmakers,” Michel remarked. Toro Negro, winner of the Best Documentary from Mexico, was screened at the opening ceremony. The film was presented by its producer, David R. Romay, in representation of the film’s directors, Carlos Armella and Pedro González-Rubio, who are currently filming the behind the scenes special of “Babel”, Antonio González Iñárritu’s latest project.