04 · 30 · 09 Mexican documentaries in Documenta Madrid 09 Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Zoogocho, , included in the Creación Documental Cortometrajes section, tells the story of a group of zapoteco children who live in a boarding house in the sierra of Oaxaca. The screenings will be on Saturday the 2nd and Wednesday 6th in Madrid. Documenta Madrid, whose objective is to support the documentary genre, also selected the long film Los que se quedan, by Juan Carlos Rulfo and Carlos Hagerman. This film had a special showing in the sixth Edition of FICM, and in Spain it will compete in the Creación Documental Largometraje category. Los que se quedan shows what happens to the families of the men and women who decide to leave Mexico and go to the United States to find better opportunities. The movie is a portrait of melancholy, hope, identity and memory, but, above all, about dreams and love. It is an exploration on the daily life absences that migration creates. It will be screened on Monday 4th and Wednesday the 6th.