03 · 10 · 16 Daniela Michel in Vanity Fair’s List of Powerful Women Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard In its March 2016 number, the Mexican edition of Vanity Fair published an article, written by Isaac Garrido, which listed 20 Mexican women who have excelled in their area, and who occupy positions of power. It is a pleasure for us to share that Daniela Michel, Director of FICM, was included in this list of exceptional women. Daniela Michel at the 2015 FICM. Below, we include an extract from the article: “On the Mexican cultural scene, Michel serves as a protector and promoter of film. Everything started in 1994, when she organized the Journadas de Cortometraje Mexicano at the Cineteca Nacional, financed out of her own pocket. In 2003 she founded the Morelia International Film Festival, which she has directed ever since, and which has launched the careers of filmmakers like Michel Franco and Fernando Eimbcke”. The author quotes Daniela Michel as saying: “I have tried to surround myself with talented women in key festival positions, and I continuously try to encourage and promoted Mexican women directors” and emphasizes one of her greatest achievements: “Having made FICM the best platform for national cinema.” You can read the full article in the March 2016 print edition of Vanity Fair, Mexico.