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Tiempo sin pulso: Official Selection of the 14th FICM

Tiempo sin pulso is the first feature film by Bárbara Ochoa, a graduate from Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica. With a previous job as a short filmmaker, she made Marea alta (2010), which was part of the Mexican Short Film section on the 8th FICM.

Bárbara Ochoa. Bárbara Ochoa

Bárbara Ochoa (director) on the creation of the main character

“It was a female character at some point in the creation of the script, but I thought it became more contradictory and I had more possibilities to address it if it was a male.”

Bárbara Ochoa (director) on the context in which the character lives

"It was clear that the main narrative would be on the family and the conflict with the body, but I was interested in placing the conflict in the context of the reality in which many young people grow up. There was an intention to show the context, not the 43 particularly, but it did seem to me that seeing, on a magazine stand, almost pornographic images next to the disruption of a skinless face, is an everyday affair. It seemed important to place Bruno’s character in a reality like this. "

Carmen Beato (actress) on what this film represented

"It was an enjoyable but exhausting process. Especially because these emotions have drawn upon personal loss when I repeating was already exhausting, then it was no longer fiction. There were scenes that were a personal mourning. That’s why this movie is special to me. "