03 · 01 · 16 Five Directors Who Made a Remake of Their Own Film Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Ma. Cristina Alemán, editora en jefe (@mcristina) As its name implies, a remake is a film based on one made before. Sometimes remakes are a source of controversy, especially when loyal fans of the original insist that it is superior to other versions. However, this question of loyalty is complicated when both the original and the remake were made by the director. Great directors like Alfred Hitchcock and Michael Haneke have made the same movie more than once, although not always with the same results or for the same reasons. Here are five cases of self-remakes in the history of cinema: The Ten Commandments (1923) and The Ten Commandments (1956), by Cecil B. DeMille: One of the founding fathers of the Hollywood film industry, Cecil B. DeMille always favored historical epic films, and there is nothing like the bible to inspire super film productions. In 1965, the director remade one of his most impressive films The Ten Commandments, but now time with sound and Technicolor, and with the participated of super stars like Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter and Edward G. Robinson. Funny Games (1997) and Funny Games (2007), by Michael Haneke