10 · 26 · 17 Bob Rafelson, Cristian Mungiu and Carlos Reygadas unveiled their armchairs at the 15th FICM Share with twitter Share with facebook Share with mail Copy to clipboard Gabriela Martínez @GabbMartivel Prior to the presentation of his film Five Easy Pieces, director and producer Bob Rafelson unveiled his armchair along with Mexican director Carlos Reygadas and Romanian filmmaker Cristian Mungiu. The general director of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM), Daniela Michel, invited the honorees to step forward and pose next to the armchairs with their names. Christian Mungiu. At the end of the screening, a Q&A session was held where Carlos Reygadas referred to Five Easy Pieces as an "honest movie with real-life scenes". Rafelson stressed the relevance of making it very easy to make a movie today thanks to new technologies, but that does not mean that "everyone can think of a movie". "Who would have thought fifteen or twelve years ago that Mexico would become the source of such good filmmakers," he added, acknowledging the work of his friend Carlos Reygadas.