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Bictor Ugo by Josep María Bendicho and Carlos Clausell at FICM

Bictor Ugo (2015) by Josep María Bendicho and Carlos Clausell is part of the Mexican Feature Film Section in competition of the 13th FICM.

For both directors, Bictor Ugo is their first feature film. However, Josep María Bendicho has been involved in other productions, such as Biutiful (2010, dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu) and Little Ashes (2008, dir. Paul Morrison), in which he did the scouting. For his part, interdisciplinary artist Carlos Clausell has made two short films, Goreme (2009) and Ave pájaro (2008), both of which have participated in competition in previous editions of FICM.

Martín Delgado, Carlos Clausell, Hugo Hermo, Josep María Bendicho Martín Delgado, Carlos Clausell, Hugo Hermo, Josep María Bendicho

Later, there was a gala event with a red carpet and the presence of talent prior to the premiere of Bictor Ugo before the public. The film was presented by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Batel, vice president of FICM. During the question and answer session after the film, the following was said:

Carlos Clausell on freedom:
“For the main character, any situation is magic, any place is magical, it just depends on the point of view you have. And that’s the meaning of this work, which is for us an ode to this way of life, in which freedom is the ultimate mandate, it is the king of life.”

At the end of the questions and answers, actor Hugo Hermo, responding to a request of the audience, performed a magic trick in which he moved the position of some glasses without touching them.