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Morelia LAB Begins

The first session of Morelia LAB, a production workshop and seminar directed at young filmmakers, was held last Saturday, October 1st, at the Teatro Coyoacán.

The workshop was given by Víctor Ugalde, Technical Secretary of FIDECINE, and Carlos Taibo, Director of Film Production Encouragement at IMCINE.

Lynn Fainchtein, musical director and supervisor of films such as Amores Perros was also there, along with Hugo Castro Fau, executive producer of Argentina’s Matanza Cine Productions.

The workshop-seminar was inaugurated by Lynn Fainchtein, who gave a talk on music rights and music production in films; followed by a presentation of EFD, a film equipment rental company, and the conference A Movie from Start to Finish, given by Carlos Taibo and Hugo Castro Fau.

Hugo Castro Fau, Argentine producer, during his talk A Movie from Start to Finish Ugalde was confident that the workshop’s inaugural session had been a complete success, as there was “a full audience, a lot of enthusiasm, and the possibility of making some 15 movies.

The panelists were brilliant, as expected, and the questions right on target. Peoples’ thirst for knowledge was geared towards making successful films.”

He also pointed out that anyone can sit in on Morelia Lab´s other Mexico City sessions, but their participation is restricted. “The sessions are open to the public, but we do ask that you remain silent so as not to detract from the quality of the seminar. The students enrolled all know production basics.”

Morelia LAB’s first session, Production in Mexico and Latin America, will take place form the 1st to the 6th of October; the second session, Independent Production in the United States, will go from the 7th to the 10th. ?The 40 producers that were selected to form part of this workshop-seminar will participate in both sessions.

Produire Au Sud will select the eight projects that have the highest potential of attaining co production in Europe. The winners will travel to Morelia and participate in the Produire Au Sud Seminar, which will take place at the Conservatorio de las Rosas form the 12th to the 15th of October.

These projects will be competing for two Morelia Lab-Young Producer prizes which consist of 50,000 pesos each, given by CINEPOLIS and IMCINE.

Morelia Lab Program