She was born in Mexico in 1973. She received a degree in Communication from the Political Science Department at the UNAM. During the first years of her career, she specialized in producing, directing and editing television and educational, documentary and institutional video. She worked for MTV, Nickelodeon, the Human Rights Commission, IMCINE, the National Congress – Chamber of Deputies, Unicef, Sagarpa, Sedesol, Promusag, and independent audiovisual artists, among others. She has held administrative positions in: the general direction of University Television; the coordination of Open University and Education at a Distance programs, and the coordination of Cultural Diffusion at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently Executive Coordinator of the Cátedra Ingmar Bergman in Film and Theater at the UNAM, where she has organized and built a program of discussion and analysis in these disciplines.
She was born in Mexico in 1973. She received a degree in Communication from the Political Science Department at the UNAM. During the first years of her career, she specialized in producing, directing and editing television and educational, documentary and institutional video. She worked for MTV, Nickelodeon, the Human Rights Commission, IMCINE, the National Congress – Chamber of Deputies, Unicef, Sagarpa, Sedesol, Promusag, and independent audiovisual artists, among others. She has held administrative positions in: the general direction of University Television; the coordination of Open University and Education at a Distance programs, and the coordination of Cultural Diffusion at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently Executive Coordinator of the Cátedra Ingmar Bergman in Film and Theater at the UNAM, where she has organized and built a program of discussion and analysis in these disciplines.