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Yo de Matías Meyer en el 13° FICM

Yo (2015), de Matías Meyer, forma parte de la Sección de Largometraje Mexicano en competencia del 13°FICM.

Matías Meyer ha presentado su trabajo en el FICM en múltiples ocasiones. En la segunda edición del FICM se presentó por primera vez y ganó el premio a Mejor Cortometraje de Ficción con El pasajero (2004). Además, ha presentado en Morelia los siguientes trabajos: Verde (2006), Wadley (2008), Calambre (2009) y el largometraje Los últimos cristeros (2001). Este último se presentó en más de 20 festivales alrededor del mundo y recibió varios premios, entre ellos Mejor Director Latinoamericano en el 3er Premio Anual Cinema Tropical; el premio Coup de Coeur en el 24° Encuentro Cinelatino de Toulouse; Mejor Película de la Selección TV UNAM del 2°en el Festival Internacional de Cine UNAM (FICUNAM); Mejor Película en el 17°en el Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine (Split Film Festival) en Croacia; y Mejor Película en el 1er Riviera Maya Film Festival (RMFF).

Elizabeth Mendoza, Raúl Silva, Ignacio Rojas, Matías Meyer Elizabeth Mendoza, Raúl Silva, Ignacio Rojas, Matías Meyer

Later, the premiere of Yo was held at a gala event before the public with a red carpet and the presence of talent. Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Batel, vice president of FICM, presented the film. There was a question and answer session at the end of the screening.

Matías Meyer on the choice of actors:
“The direction of non-professional actors begins during the casting and I think at that time it’s important to find a parallel between the life of the character and the life of the person. Karla del Corral helped me in the casting and she met Raúl in the metro in Copilco. With Liz it was different because they had found another role for her brother and he asked, what other characters are you looking for? And they told him about the mother. And my uncle I already knew and felt he could play the villain.”

Raúl Silva on his life in relation with the film:
“Many of the situations that Yo gets involved in have happened to me in one way or other. Of course, not as they appear on the screen, but the emotions are the same. The same as Yo, I grew up with the absence of my parents. I grew up in relative isolation. I didn’t live next to a highway, but I didn’t have many people close to me. I received little affection. I love my mother a lot, but I didn’t receive much affection, closeness, warmth. And I think the same thing happens with Yo.”

Elizabeth Mendoza on her life in relation with the film:
“When I spoke with Matías, I accepted the role because this life is very similar to mine. I have an older daughter, who is 25 years old, and when people see her, they ask her age and she tells them, but they respond, ‘you look like you’re 15.’ And for some time I’ve lived what I lived in the film with Yo because my daughter is a slow learner and in the same way feels rejection, pushed aside, and I didn’t have anyone I could resort to, anyone with whom I could discuss my daughter’s problem, and so obviously I always grabbed a man. I always looked for that security in a man.”

Following is a gallery of photos of both events.