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1951 | Color | 113 min

Jorge abandona la universidad para dedicarse a la parranda.

Asiduo a los centros nocturnos de la capital, se enamora de

la rumbera María Elena. Preocupado por la conducta de su hijo, el próspero empresario Eugenio decide correr de su casa a Jorge para darle una lección. Ante la necesidad económica, Jorge convence a María Elena de hacerse pasar por esposos para vivir en la hacienda de su tío Roque. La pareja logra engañar a don Roque, pero pronto enfrentan las sospechas de los habitantes del lugar. El pocho Freddie provoca problemas entre María Elena y Jorge, hasta que ella huye de la hacienda. El hecho hace recapacitar a Jorge, que en adelante busca ganarse la vida por su propia cuenta para ofrecerle un futuro estable a María Elena y reconciliarse con su familia.

Country: México
Direction: Contreras Torres; Miguel
Script: Gaytán; Cárlos, Torres; Contreras, Contreras Torres; Miguel
Production: Contreras Torres; Miguel
Photography: Carrasco; Ezequiel
Sound: Alcayde; Francisco, Ruiz Esparza; Rafael
Music: Ruiz; Federico, Rosalío Ramírez;, Morales Pardavé; Amelio, Guízar; Pepe
Cast:Carmina; Rosa, Camarillo Fraustita; Dolores, Espino; Edmundo, de Valle; Yolanda, Curiel; Fernando, Nava; Pepe, Sánchez Navarro; Manuel, A. Cureño; Abel, Vera; Hernán, González Pliego; Eduardo, Acosta; Rodolfo, Galindo; Eugenia, Tamés; Manuel, Soto Rangel; Arturo, Cañedo; Roberto, Mariachi jalisciense de Miguel Díaz;
Participation year at FICM: 2003

Director Movies

Zítari (The Temple of the Thousand Serpents)

Zítari was not a full-length movie, no… It was a short that Miguel made for me in which I was an Indian princess in the pyramids of Teotihuacan… It was very nice, because there were two ways to see the past and the present… Also, there was no sound… It was Miguel's last work to be made without sound… And he did it for me, even though I reminded him that there wasn´t anything he did that wasn´t for me… He was full of love. (Interview of Medea de Novara, conducted by Sergio Robles Molina, "Miguel Contreras Torres, 1899-1981).

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The useless life of Pito Perez

The vagabond drunk Pito Perez returns to his home town of Santa Cruz del Cobre. Upon arriving, he rings the church bells to give himself a welcome and is detained by the authorities. Moved by the man's situation, Roman, a lawyer and poet, prevents his encarceration. Roman arranges to meet and talk with Pito every afternoon from that point on. In exchange for alcohol, Pito tells the lawyer the story of his unstable life.

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The Mad Empress

Napoleon III offers the throne of Mexico to Prince Ferdinand Maximiliano and Princess Carlota. Through trickery they are convinced of the great future that awaits them if they agree to rule Mexico; however, the resistance of the republic under President Benito Juárez puts an end to the imperialist adventure of Napoleon III. Maximiliano is imprisoned and faces trial for threatening the sovereignty of Mexico. In her desperation, Carlota seeks in vain the help of the European monarchies.

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