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Color | 52 min

In 1905 an unknown employee from the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland, sent five brief articles to a German science magazine. The clerk’s name was Albert Einstein and his articles are considered today as a kind of “birth certificate” of the modern conceptions of the universe. In this documentary, the content of the famous five articles are described in a simple way, allowing viewers to discover the historic and scientific context in which they were written.





Direction: Nulman Magidin; Alberto

Director Movies

The Five Secrets of the Office Clerk

In 1905 an unknown employee from the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland, sent five brief articles to a German science magazine. The clerk’s name was Albert Einstein and his articles are considered today as a kind of “birth certificate” of the modern conceptions of the universe. In this documentary, the content of the famous five articles are described in a simple way, allowing viewers to discover the historic and scientific context in which they were written.

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