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Selección Oficial del 14º FICM: El Sueño del Mara’akame

Federico Cecchetti ha dirigido los cortometrajes 6.36311, La verdadera pasión, Raíces, El Maléfico Dr. Machete y Los trashumantes, proyecto que fue su tesis. Algunos de ellos han sido seleccionados en distintos festivales nacionales e internacionales.

Antonio Parra, Luciano Bautista Maxa Temai, Federico Cecchetti. Paly Omar Ezequiel,  Pascual Hernández, Inocencio de la Cruz Domínguez, Cruz de la Cruz Antonio Parra, Luciano Bautista Maxa Temai, Federico Cecchetti, Paly Omar Ezequiel, Pascual Hernández, Inocencio de la Cruz Domínguez, Cruz de la Cruz

"It is an honor to present the film here, in such a great competition, and it is a pleasure to have several members of the Huichol community La Cebolleta here; the project was born thanks to them and it's a personal adventure, for the whole team and for these special beings," said the director, who is also competing for the Premio del Público, awarded by the audience.
