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YO-(2015,-dir.-Matías-Meyer) 2015 | Canada, Holland, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Switzerland | Color | 80 min.

Direction: Matías Meyer

Script: Alexandre Auger | Matías Meyer

Country: Canadá, Holanda (Países Bajos), México, República Dominicana, Suiza

Production: Julio Bárcenas | Israel Cárdenas | Mathieu Denis | Laura Amelia Guzmán | Matías Meyer | Hany Ouichou

Production Company: Axolote Cine S.A. de C.V. | la Película S. de R.L. | Luc

Photography: Gerardo Barroso Alcalá

Edition: León Felipe González

Sound: Alejandro de Icaza | Raúl Locatelli

Music: Galo Duran | Chac Moola

Cast: Isis Vanesa Cortés | Hugo García Rojas | Alfonso Miguel González | Elizabeth Mendoza | Mireya Ivonne Morales | Melody Petite | Ignacio Rojas | Raúl Silva | Nicolle Stivenshonen

Art Direction: Noemi González

FICM Awards:Award for Mexican Feature Film | Award for Best Actor in a Mexican Feature Film | Mexican Feature Film Section

Year of participation at FICM: 2015

SYNOPSIS: Yo is a strong young man, but with limited mental skills. He says he is fifteen years old, although he seems to be older. He lives and works in his mother’s restaurant by a busy freeway. Yo loves his mother but hates her lover. One day he meets Elena, an eleven year old girl, who will change his life for ever.