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2018 | Color | 75:00

Belmonte is preparing for an upcoming exhibition of his work at Montevideo’s National Museum. His paintings are sensual, fantastical, and sometimes colorful, yet all have a melancholic undertone. A divorced dad, Belmonte has recently been more obsessed with his relationship with his young daughter, Celeste, than with his work—especially now that Celeste’s mom is about to have a baby with her new partner.

Direction: Veiroj; Federico
Script: Veiroj; Federico
Production: Halphen; Sandro, Federico Veiroj, Fernando Franco, Juan José López, Charles Barthe
Photography: Arauco Hernández Holz, Analía Pollio
Sound: Daniel Yafalián
Music: Leo Masliah, Gervasio Tarragona & Javier Bezzato, Rafael Bonavita, Diane Denoir & Eduardo
Cast:Gonzalo Delgado, Olivia Molinaro, Tomás Wahrmann, Jeannette Sauksteliskis, Marcelo Fernández, Giselle Motta, Cecilia Jeske
Art direction: Nicole Davrieux, Alejandro Castiglioni
Participation year at FICM: 2018

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